Prof. Dr. Sahara, S.P., M.Si.
Lead Investigator (From IPB University)
Professor in Agricultural Policy Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University
Expertise: Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Economics, Regional Economics, Value chain Analysis.
Profile Contact:
E-mail: sahara_ipb@yahoo.com
Scopus ID: 57204900644
Orchid ID: 0000-0003-0905-6388
Google Scholar ID: 7QKdg4oAAAAJ
Doctoral in Economic Science, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 2012.
Master in Agricultural Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 2003.
Bachelor in Agricultural and Resource Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 1998.
Research Activities:
Economic Part of the Feasibility Study for the Upgrading of the Postal Savings/Banking System in Indonesia-GIZ, Bappenas, InterCafe. 2014.
Improving Small Farmer Participation in Supermarket Channels: Perceptions of Supermarket Buyers-ACIAR, InterCafe. 2014.
Early Warning System, Bank Ranking and Insured Deposit in Indonesia-Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (InterCafe). 2014.
Consumer satisfaction on services provided by Ministry of Finance-Ministry of Finance and Department of Economics-Bogor Agricultural University. 2014.
Potential demand and market share of micro credit of Waroeng bjb in West Java, Banten and DKI Jakarta-Bank bjb and InterCafe. 2014.
Supply chain of cacao and rice under IFAD and Non-IFAD project-Ministry of Agriculture and Faculty of Economics and Management. 2014.
Supporting capacity building for research on improving market integration for high value fruit and vegetable systems in Indonesia-ACIAR and Postgraduate Program of Magister Business-IPB. 2014.
Public stock holdings of stapple food in Indonesia-Ministry of Trade and Faculty of Economics and Management. 2013.
Academic paper of land constraint on palm oil sector in Indonesia-Indonesian Palm Oil Union and Department of Economis-Bogor Agricultural University. 2013.
Study of factors determining Billing Rate of consultant-LKPP. 2013.
Feasibility study of government office center in Mahakam Ulu District, East Kalimantan Province Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu and Inter-Cafe IPB a(team member). 2013.
Green Prosperity-NREL (team member). 2013.
Financial Inclusion (PNPM)-InterCAFE-Bappenas (team member). 2012/2013.
Markets for high-value commodities in Indonesia: promoting competitiveness and inclusiveness” – Collaboration between ACIAR(Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research), IFPRI and Adelaide University. 2009-2012.
The Impact of Economic Crisis on the Indonesian Manufacture Industry-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of Industry, Indonesia. 2007.
The Performance of the Indonesian Manufacture Industry-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of Industry, Indonesia. 2007.
Constructing a Regional Planning Model Based on the Key Sectors.-Collaboration between PT Ahassa Ciptanika and Ministry Affair, Indonesia. 2007.
Constructing a Regional Computable General Equilibrium to Evaluate National and Local Economy Performance in Indonesia.-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of National Planning, Indonesia. 2007.
Modeling an Indonesian Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium for Banking Sector-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and PT Bank Mandiri. 2006.
The Impact of Macroeconomic Variable Changes on Industrial Sectors-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of Industry, Indonesia. 2006.
The Impact of Private and Government Investment on the Industries and Regional Growth in Indonesia-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of National Planning, Indonesia. 2006.
Socio-Economic Studieso Sustainable Development In Cidanau Watershed, Serang District, Banten Province-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia. 2006.
Situation Analysis and a Review of Investment Appraisals in Indonesia Government Policies, Natural Resources and the Environments: Analyzing Paths to Sustainability in Indonesia Project (phase 1)-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of Industry, Indonesia. 2006.
The Impact of Trade Facilitation on ASEAN Intra-Regional Trade-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNet). 2006.
Technical change in Thai and Indonesian Agriculture: Measurement, Socio-Economic Impact and Policy Implications-Collaboration between Australian National University, Bogor Agricultural University, National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science, Royal Thai Government and Chulalongkorn University. 2006.
Improving Resource Use of Efficiency in the Coconut Industry of North Sulawesi and its National Implications-Collaboration between Sydney University, Bogor Agricultural University, Sam Ratulangi University and Indonesian Coconut, Palmae Research Institute, and ACIAR. 2004-2006.
The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Indonesian Macroeconomic Performance, Agricultural Sector and Poverty Incidences (A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and IDRC. 2003-2004.
Analysis of Input-Output Table in Bogor City-Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Planning Agency, Bogor. 2004.
The Reformation of Banking Industry and Its Implication on Indonesian Macro Economy, Agricultural Sector and Poverty Incidences -Collaboration between Bogor Agricultural University and Ministry of Education, Indonesia. 2002-2005.
Analysis of Farming Enterprise in Ciampea Subdistrict, West Java Province-Bogor Agricultural University. 2000.
The Role of Female Vendors on Their Household Economy in Tangerang District-Bogor Agricultural University. 2000.
Covid-19 Pandemic, Regional Structural Break and The Volatility of Chicken Meat Prices in Indonesia
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Economic Impacts of Biodiesel Policy in Indonesia: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach
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