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Gross Capital Inflows in Indonesia: Exploring Bonanzas and Sudden Stops

This paper examines episodes of capital bonanzas and sudden stops in Indonesia by utilising binary response models and several episode-identification...

2021 | Syahid Izzulhaq, Muhammad Rizal Taufikurahman, Afaqa Hudaya, and Mohammad Reza Hafiz Akbar


Does the US–China Trade War Increase Poverty in a Developing Country? A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis for Indonesia

In contrast to previous studies that mostly focused on the winners and losers of the US–China trade war, this study...

2021 | Anda Nugroho, Widyastutik, Tony Irawan, and Syarifah Amaliah


Market-Approach-Based Policy to Achieve Rice Price Stability in Indonesia—Can It Be a Complement?

Food price volatility broadly impacts the country’s food security. Rice price stabilization in Indonesia is carried out by BULOG, the...

2022 | Topan Ruspayandi, Tajuddin Bantacut, Bustanul Arifin, and Idqan Fahmi

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Sustainability Standards and Social Network Development: Indonesian Coffee Farmers’ Unpredictable Impact Pathways to Achieving a Living Income

This paper presents coffee producers’ subjective perceptions of voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) programs across southern Sumatra, a global center for...

2023 | Joshua G. Bray, Bustanul Arifin, Hanung Ismono, and Jeffrey Neilson


Economic Feasibility, Perception of Farmers, and Environmental Sustainability Index of Sorghum-Eucalyptus Agroforestry

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:The Indonesian Government is promoting sorghum as an alternative commodity to substitute wheat. The cultivation of this commodity...

2024 | Komalawati, S. Hidayat, R.H. Praptana, M.D. Pertiwi, A.S. Romdon, Y. Hidayat, R.P. Ramadhan, D. Yuniati, Saptana, Syahyuti, N. Khaririyatun, S. Ika, R.K. Jatuningtyas, Subiharta, R.N. Hayati, Sudarto, M.P. Yufdy, B. Nuryanto, A. Prasetyo

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Covid-19 Pandemic, Regional Structural Break and The Volatility of Chicken Meat Prices in Indonesia

The Covid-19 pandemic has shocked the demand and supply of food product leading to large price fluctuations in the market...

2021 | Sahara

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Economic Impacts of Biodiesel Policy in Indonesia: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach

The Government of Indonesia has been promoting the advancement of the biodiesel sector to fulfill its commitment to support clean...

2022 | Sahara, Ahmad Dermawan, Syarifah Amaliah, Tony Irawan, and Salsa Dilla

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Price Transmission on the Indonesian Beef Market

Beef has been seen as one of the strategic commodities in Indonesia. As the awareness of people to protein consumption...

2021 | Komalawati, Afrizal Malik, Ratih Kurnia Jatuningtyas, dan Munir Eti Wulanjari


Modeling Price Volatility and Supply Response of Beef in Indonesia

Beef is one of the strategic livestock commodities in Indonesia. As demand increases, the price of beef increases and tends...

2019 | Komalawati, R.W. Asmarantaka, R. Nurmalina, & D.B. Hakim


Indonesian Rice Farmers’ Perceptions of Different Sources of Information and Their Effect on Farmer Capability

The diverse sources of agricultural extension information do not guarantee increased farmers’ capabilities to adopt agricultural innovations. Consequently, efforts to...

2023 | Maesti Mardiharini, Erizal Jamal, Eni Siti Rohaeni, Chandra Indrawanto, Kurnia Suci Indraningsih, Endro Gunawan, Rizky Prayogo Ramadhan, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid, Ï Putu Wardana, Ening Ariningsih

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