Irwanda Wisnu Wardhana, S.ST., M.P.P., Ph.D.

Head of Research Center for Cooperative, Corporation, and People’s Economy, National Research and Innovation Agency
Expertise: Institutional Economics, Political Economy, and Economic Policy.

Profile Contact:

Scopus ID: 57224232504
Orchid ID: 0000-0001-8803-5133
Google Scholar ID: LdwDhLsAAAAJ


Ph.D in Public Policy and Political Economy, School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences of The University of Texas at Dallas. United States of America. 2016.

Master in Public Policy, School of International and Public Policy of Hitotsubashi University, Japan. 2010.

Bachelor of Applied Science in Accountant, Polytechnic of State Finance STAN, Indonesia. 2005.

Diploma III in Accountant, Polytechnic of State Finance STAN, Indonesia. 2001.

Research Activities:

Model of Social Forestry Institutional Governance in the Framework of Carbon Business Potential (Lessons Learned from the Independent Conservation Village Model and the Bujang Raba Forest Guard Community in Jambi Province, Indonesia). 2024.

Village fund management and reporting systems: are they accountable?. 2024.

Enhancing Disaster Resilience: Insights from the Cianjur Earthquake to Improve Indonesia’s Risk Financing Strategies. 2024.

Connectivity, sport events, and tourism development of Mandalika’s special economic zone: A perspective from big data cognitive analytics. 2023.

The Village Fund Program and Indonesia's 18th Sustainable Development Goal: A Bibliometric and Content Study. 2023.

The Development of Transportation System for Tourism in Mandalika: A SWOT Analysis. 2023.

Village fund for renewable energy development: A case study of rural area in Indonesia. 2023.

Green human resource management and green supply Chain Management on Sustainable performance of nickel mining companies in Indonesia. 2023.

A Critical Analysis on the Structural Dilemma of Village Fund Program: Lesson Learnt from Indonesia. 2022.

Tourism Post COVID-19: What’s New in Indonesian Tourism Demand Trends?. 2022.

Digital transformation of agri-food system: Policy pathways for greater socio-economic inclusion, sustainability, and international cooperation. 2022.

Energy equality in Indonesia villages: a discourse analysis. 2022.

The village fund program in Indonesia: Measuring the effectiveness and alignment to sustainable development goals. 2021.

Labour Standards in the Global Supply Chain; Village Fund and Labour Working Hours in Indonesia. 2020.

Village fund, village-owned-enterprises, and employment: Evidence from Indonesia. 2020.

Examining the Supply Chain Impact on Labor Social Security in Indonesia: A Systems Thinking Analysis. 2020.

Energy efficiency development in Indonesia: An empirical analysis of energy intensity inequality. 2020.

Determinants of Labor market in Jakarta metropolitan area: a survival analysis of commuters. 2020.

Issue and challenges in low membership of labor social security in Indonesia: The role of Perisai. 2020.

Evaluating fiscal incentives’ effectiveness for the tourism special economic zone: Case of Tanjung Lesung. 2019.

Governance and Stakeholder dalam Isu Perubahan Iklim. 2019.

Political economic determinants of growth acceleration: A Korea-Indonesia comparative study. 2016.

Business and Social Efficiency of the Indonesian State-owned Enterprises: Evidence from Data Envelopment Analysis. 2016.

The Effects of Political Institution on Sources of Economic Growth: Case of Developing Countries. 2011.