Fahmi Salam Ahmad, S.Stat., M.Si.
Team Members
Lecturer Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University.
Expertise: Macroeconomics, Econometrics.
Profile Contact:
E-mail: fahmisalam@apps.ipb.ac.id
Scopus ID: -
Orchid ID: 0000-0003-0291-0684
Google Scholar ID: C88CdA8AAAAJ
Master in Science, Department of Economic Sciences, IPB University. Indonesia. 2018.
Bachelor in Statistics, Department of Statistics, IPB University. Indonesia. 2015.
Research Activities:
Indonesia’s agriculture sector performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: Towards a resilient agrifood system. Food and Agriculture Organization. 2023.
Who Benefit the Most from the Investment Spillover Due to the US-China Trade War: A Spatial Model. Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia. 2020.